Welcome Online Training Courses
Online courses designed to help you develop industry-relevant skills that allow you to reach your career goals.
Online teachers are still fully qualified educators and can still help you achieve your education desires.
These institutions that 100% virtual. It is a development in distance education that expanded in the 1990s.
Online events involves people interacting in a virtual environment, rather than meeting in a physical location.
Choose from millions of online classes and video courses with new additions published every month on various platforms.
Find the right instructor for you. Choose from many topics, skill levels, and languages. Join learners from around the world.

About Online Studying
Did you never have time to recieve a certification after recieving you NSC? Or do you have to quickly learn how to equire a skill for your current employment. Online studying opens the way for all people around the word in a comfortable efective way to accomplish their enducational asperations.

school hours
Can be according to your scedule
The comfort of your own home
Upcoming Online Events

Join E-learning Conference
We would like to warmly welcome you to the 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education, Teaching and Learning – which will be held in Dublin, the Republic of Ireland from 29th – 31st July 2022. E-learning conference is the leading academic and Industry gathering for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the field of Education.

Webex live Webinars
Webex Events (new) was renamed to Webex Webinars beginning early to mid-January 2022. Webex Webinars is a best-in-class virtual webinar experience that is video-centric, intelligent, and simple to use.With Webinars, a host can click Schedule a webinar from either the Webex site home page or the Calendar page.
Quick Links
Preparing for Online Schooling
Whether you’re preparing for the first day of high school– online or traditional – making preparations for the first day is essential for getting your school year off on the right track. However, it’s even more important to prepare yourself when your classroom is at the table in your kitchen or the desk in your bedroom.
Virtual Learning
What is online learning?
One of the major consequences of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a disruption to traditional classroom learning and instruction. And yet, in many ways, the move to remote learning has highlighted what’s essential in the classroom (and what’s not).
What Have We Learned from Going Online?
The importance of student-teacher relationships. Simple practices like greeting students and being authentic help to build these relationships, as this video celebrates.The value of student-to-student interactions. Teachers have successfully re-created many of the small-group student learning structures that support collaborative and higher-level learning, as seen in these breakout room examples.
How Virtual Learning Improves on Remote Learning
Virtual learning is designed to extend educational experiences. It does not try to replicate them. In virtual learning environments, students access resources and interact in ways they would not or could not in the physical classroom.
A Final Word on Equity
Whether face-to-face, remote or virtual, the pandemic has exposed the growing inequities in our educational system. We can now more easily see where school funding and community infrastructures have made connecting remotely all but impossible.
While some students have lost educational opportunities due to structural disparities and lack of resources, other students now have at-home tutors or work in learning pods to support and supplement their remote learning. These students’ schools are more likely to have the funding so they can continue specials subjects (e.g., art, music, physical education) and participate in extracurriculars.

Class Interactions
Now a days, a lot of people of the frequently to use technology or electronic products in any way or any time and of course most important is the Internet. A lot of schools started to use online learning to replace traditional paper based teaching method and submit the assignment. Basically, online learning had been widely accepted and practiced throughout the world.